Bioethical considerations in scientific research in the Service of Anesthesiology of Ciego de Avila


  • Alina de la Caridad Rivero Ramos
  • Norma Ortiz Martínez
  • Ramón Enrique Ibarra López
  • Alberto Bermúdez Balado
  • Alberto Bermúdez Rivero


Introduction: the processes of investigation developed in the field of Anaesthesiology have allowed to enriche the scientific knowledge and the application of technologies based on the ethical principles with the purpose of producing social welfare.

Method: an observational descriptive study was carried out to evaluate the application of the bioethic principles in the scientific investigation in the treatment of post-puncture cephalea in caesaread patients from Ciego of Avila. The sample consisted of 50 patients included in the study: Epidural dextran 40 patch in postpuncture headache treatment in cesarean patients. A scale of evaluation was applied, which was divided into three grades: excellent, very good and good taking into account the presence and the quality of the informed consent that unites the principles of autonomy and beneficence, no maleficence and justice as well as the evaluation of the results of the pain treatment to reinforce these criteria.

Results and discussion: very good results were shown in 92% of the cases according to the used scale and the existence of informed consent in all the studied patients, the pain was relief in 100 % of the patients. Only 4 patients (2 of each group) required to repeat the analgesia method and they had a good result according to the scale.

Conclusions: the study accomplished with the bioethics principles of beneficence, no maleficence and justice. The bioethic point of view related to autonomy exposes that the information about the applied treatment was not fully developed


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Author Biographies

Alina de la Caridad Rivero Ramos

Especialista de 2do Grado en Anestesiología y Reanimación. Profesor Asistente. Hospital Universitario “Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola”. Ciego de Ávila, Cuba

Norma Ortiz Martínez

Especialista de 2do Grado en Anestesiología y Reanimación. Profesor Asistente. Hospital Universitario “Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola”. Ciego de Ávila, Cuba

Ramón Enrique Ibarra López

Especialista de 1er Grado en Anestesiología y Reanimación. Profesor Instructor. Hospital Universitario “Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola”. Ciego de Ávila, Cuba

Alberto Bermúdez Balado

Especialista de 1er Grado en Cirugía General. Profesor Asistente. Hospital Universitario “Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola”. Ciego de Ávila, Cuba

Alberto Bermúdez Rivero

Estudiante de 4to Año de Medicina. Universidad de Ciencias Médicas. Ciego de Ávila, Cuba



How to Cite

Rivero Ramos A de la C, Ortiz Martínez N, Ibarra López RE, Bermúdez Balado A, Bermúdez Rivero A. Bioethical considerations in scientific research in the Service of Anesthesiology of Ciego de Avila. Mediciego [Internet]. 2015 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 26];21(2). Available from:



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