Educative intervention to elevate knowledge and modify habits on oral health in children with mentally retarded.


  • Lina I. Torres Gárriz
  • Elsa López Otero
  • Evelyn Sardiñas Montero
  • Sady Machado Ramos
  • Yenisel del Carmen Pérez Lecha


An educative intervention study was carried out to elevate knowledge and to modify habits on oral health in 40 students with mentally retarded, between 7 and 11 years, grouped in 4 groups of the special school “Mariana Grajales” from Baraguá municipality, during the second semester of 2009-2010 course for which it was applied an interview that contained 5 questions related to oral hygiene, cariogenic diet, periodic examinations and it was included the index of oral hygiene and oral examination, that can be used to appreciate the knowledge they had and the level of oral hygiene before and 6 months after the application of the educative program “My mouth with a healthy and happy smile” that it counted on several sessions and applicable educative techniques to mental deficiency, supported with other means like prints, games and puppets. The conducted evaluation 6 months later revealed the effectiveness in the acquisition of habits and knowledge of oral health.


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Author Biographies

Lina I. Torres Gárriz

Especialista de 1er Grado en Estomatología General Integral. Máster en Salud Bucal Comunitaria. Profesor Asistente.

Elsa López Otero

Especialista de 1er Grado en Estomatología General Integral. Máster en Urgencias Estomatológicas. Profesor Asistente.

Evelyn Sardiñas Montero

Especialista de 1er Grado en Estomatología General Integral. Profesor Instructor.

Sady Machado Ramos

Especialista de 1er Grado en Estomatología General Integral. Máster en Urgencias Estomatológicas. Profesor Asistente.

Yenisel del Carmen Pérez Lecha

Especialista de 1er Grado en Estomatología General Integral. Máster en Salud Bucal Comunitaria. Profesor Instructor.


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How to Cite

Torres Gárriz LI, López Otero E, Sardiñas Montero E, Machado Ramos S, Pérez Lecha Y del C. Educative intervention to elevate knowledge and modify habits on oral health in children with mentally retarded. Mediciego [Internet]. 2013 Dec. 19 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];19(1). Available from:



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