Blood pressure. Clinical and epidemiological consideration in hypertensive population.


  • Leandro Ledesma O´rrellys
  • Lisset Fernández Martínez
  • José Antonio Diaz Colina
  • Aymé Alberna Cardoso




A descriptive observational investigation was done to evaluate the behaviour of some clinical and epidemiological variables in patients diagnosed with hypertension older with than 15 years old assisted in the dispensary No.6 of health area in Primero de Enero, belonging to the municipality of the same name during 2003. The sample was composed 124 patients older than 15 years and classified as hypertensive in that dispensary and in the period previously mentioned. The more important results obtained were higher frequency of hypertensive patients were male in the age group of 60 years or more ans to female sex in the age group within 45-59 years, 55.6% of cases were female. The age group of 45-59 had the highest porcentage of patients. The more frequent risk factors were: family background, smoking habit, sedentariness, obesity and diabetes mellitus. The more frequent clinical symptoms  were: cephalgia, rededness and facial color, tinnitus, left sided chest pain the hypertensive cardiopathy was the more frequent complication, 52% of patient didn't have complications and 61.3% of patients suffered moderated hypertension.


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Author Biographies

Leandro Ledesma O´rrellys

Especialista de Primer Grado en Medicina General Integral

Lisset Fernández Martínez

Especialista de Primer Grado en Medicina General Integral

José Antonio Diaz Colina

Especialista de Primer Grado en Pediatría

Aymé Alberna Cardoso

Residente de Primer año en Medicina General Integral


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How to Cite

Ledesma O´rrellys L, Fernández Martínez L, Diaz Colina JA, Alberna Cardoso A. Blood pressure. Clinical and epidemiological consideration in hypertensive population. Mediciego [Internet]. 2004 Dec. 4 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];10(2). Available from:



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