Bases and curricular reasons of the overcoming program in phytotherapy and apitherapy as therapeutic tools of the Primary health attention


  • Elena del Carmen González Díaz
  • Mireily Gutiérrez García
  • Rogelio Pérez Parrado
  • Ernesto Ramírez Leyva
  • Ana Maritza González Real
  • Armando Falcón Abreu


The current article deals with some reflections about the educative process of Natural and Traditional Medicine taking into account the curricular theory. Here the author makes some references to the base and foundations that support the phytotherapy and apitherapy over coming program as therapeutic tools of the primary health attention. The author also makes some reference to the main deficiencies that the educative process of Natural and Traditional
Medicine has to face from the discipline’s curriculum and to the curricular approach which contributes to the integration of the contents related to the use of natural therapeutic resources with the conventional treatments in order to boost the development of an integrative Medicine.


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Author Biographies

Elena del Carmen González Díaz

Licenciada en Ciencias Farmacéuticas. Profesor Asistente.

Mireily Gutiérrez García

Especialista de 1er Grado Pediatría. Máster Atención integral al niño. Profesor Asistente.

Rogelio Pérez Parrado

Licenciado en Inglés. Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Profesor Titular.

Ernesto Ramírez Leyva

Especialista de 1er Grado en Bioestadística. Profesor Instructor.

Ana Maritza González Real

Licenciada en Cultura física y deporte. Máster en Cultura Física Comunitaria. Profesor Asistente.

Armando Falcón Abreu

Especialista de 1er Grado en Medicina Interna. Máster en Medicina Natural y Tradicional. Profesor Asistente.



How to Cite

González Díaz E del C, Gutiérrez García M, Pérez Parrado R, Ramírez Leyva E, González Real AM, Falcón Abreu A. Bases and curricular reasons of the overcoming program in phytotherapy and apitherapy as therapeutic tools of the Primary health attention. Mediciego [Internet]. 2014 Dec. 19 [cited 2024 Dec. 11];20(2). Available from:



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