HIV-related bucal and facial lesions.


  • Maikel Hermida Rojas
  • Daymi del Carmen Borroto Alcorta
  • Manuel de Jesús Díaz Hernández
  • Alain Chang Díaz
  • José de Jesús García Alonso




A descriptive study on the buccal and facial lesions of 36 patients living with HIV was performed in Ciego de Avila province, in the time period from January 2000 to January 2002. Furthed, the anatomical areas where these manifestation developed as well as the stomatological risk factors present are determined. Men aged 35 years or younged prevailed within the groups studied as well as the sexual intercourse as the major way of contracting HIV. Chronic gingivitis (61.1%), candidiasis (41.7%), hepatic lesions (38.9%), buccal recurrent aphthas (33,3%) were the most frequent buccal diseases whereas cervical and facial adenopathies (83.3%) were the extraoral alterations of highest incidence. Limph nodes (83.3%) constituted the most affected anatomical areas. It was observed that Lengthening of diagnostic time makes bucco-facial pathologies increase. Major risk factors found were poor buccal hygiene (80.6%) and smoking habit (69.4%), which in conjunction with progressive immuno depression facilitate the development stomatological diseases caused by biological agents.


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Author Biographies

Maikel Hermida Rojas

Especialista de Primer Grado  en Cirugía Maxilofacial. Profesor Instructor.

Daymi del Carmen Borroto Alcorta

Máster en Medicina Natural y Tradicional. Residente de Estomatología General Integral.

Manuel de Jesús Díaz Hernández

Especialista de Primer Grado  en Cirugía Maxilofacial. Profesor Instructor.

Alain Chang Díaz

Residente de Estomatología General Integral.

José de Jesús García Alonso

Especialista de Primer Grado  en Cirugía Maxilofacial. Profesor Instructor.


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How to Cite

Hermida Rojas M, Borroto Alcorta D del C, Díaz Hernández M de J, Chang Díaz A, García Alonso J de J. HIV-related bucal and facial lesions. Mediciego [Internet]. 2004 Dec. 4 [cited 2024 May 20];10(2). Available from:



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