Management of the neck in metastasic nodes of unknown origin of cancer


  • Luis Ernesto Pérez Paz
  • Francisco Álvarez Morales
  • Ramón Rodríguez Duménico
  • Frank Álvarez Llambía


An analysis is made and literature is reviewed of the neck in the cervical methastases of unknown origin, focussing primmarily on the epidemiologic and anatomofhysiologic aspects as well as the surgicalmanagement of the limph nodes.
The second aspect deals with the role of radiotherapy in these pts as well as the therapeutic options and prognostic factors. Eventually, we conclude that the key for treatment as the algorithm of the cervicalmetastases is known and interpreted has to be that of the redical cervical dissection.Radiotherapy plays its role in the combined treatment of the most advanced disease.The prognosis depends on the extent of the disease.


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Author Biographies

Luis Ernesto Pérez Paz

Especialista  1er. Grado en O.R.L

Francisco Álvarez Morales

Especialista  1er. Grado en O.R.L

Ramón Rodríguez Duménico

Especialista  1er. Grado en O.R.L

Frank Álvarez Llambía

Médico General.


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How to Cite

Pérez Paz LE, Álvarez Morales F, Rodríguez Duménico R, Álvarez Llambía F. Management of the neck in metastasic nodes of unknown origin of cancer. Mediciego [Internet]. 2004 Dec. 4 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];10(2). Available from:



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