Methodology for psychological diagnosis in children and adolescents with oncological diseases in Ciego de Ávila


  • Yeney de la Caridad Bethancourt Santana
  • Yolaida Moreno Rodríguez
  • Jesús Bethancourt Enríquez


The present work provides a methodology for the psychological diagnosis of children and adolescents with oncology diseases in the municipality of Ciego de Ávila. It belongs to the quantitative - qualitative paradigm of research, using theoretical methods: analytical - synthetic, inductive - deductive and the historical - logical, systemic - structural - functional. The empirical method: as a statistical method, we use the percentage analysis and allowed the application of psychological tests. It was worked with two samples, in the first place 8 professionals with experience to consider their criteria on the subject the second sample was 15 children and adolescents for the piloting of the methodology. The professional criteria was collected through a survey, it was used the technique of interviewing relatives, children, and adolescents by applying psychological tests. The obtained results allowed the elaboration of methodology for psychological diagnosis, providing several instruments already validated for the exploration of the anxiety and depression, affective-volitional sphere on the basis of which can be made the psychological diagnosis of patients.


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Author Biographies

Yeney de la Caridad Bethancourt Santana

Licenciada en Psicología. Profesora Instructora

Yolaida Moreno Rodríguez

Licenciada en Psicología. Profesora Instructora. Máster en Atención al Niño Discapacitado

Jesús Bethancourt Enríquez

Especialista  de  2do Grado en  Fisiología  Normal  y Patológica. Profesor Auxiliar


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How to Cite

Bethancourt Santana Y de la C, Moreno Rodríguez Y, Bethancourt Enríquez J. Methodology for psychological diagnosis in children and adolescents with oncological diseases in Ciego de Ávila. Mediciego [Internet]. 2014 Dec. 18 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];20(2). Available from:



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