The Cuban tradition of thought consciousness science through the work of Enrique José Varona.


  • Marisel Vizcay Castilla
  • Luis Alberto Álvarez Hernández
  • Maydelyn Seijas Torres
  • Juan Ismael Peñate Hernández
  • Sara B. Morgado Ruiz


Tradition is a phenomenon of various expressions in human activity. When its significance is reflected in theoretical contributions related to the social importance of knowledge, science, education and technology to the project of a free and sovereign Cuba which include socioeconomic factors and ideological context that favor the deployment of those elements, we are in the presence of the Cuban tradition of thought consciousness science. The initiation and establishment of the Cuban tradition of thought consciousness science occurs in the nineteenth century, its most illustrious exponents are Félix Varela, José de la Luz Caballero and José Martí. Cuban onstage 1902-1958 was preserved and enriched consciousness science tradition, where the pedagogical work of Enrique José Varona is one of the most laudable. To demonstrate this it was conducted a single case study, inclusive explanatory. Case was considered Enrique José Varona scientific production related to education, science, technology and social impact. This theme helps to support a study perspective: the nexus knowledge-science-technology and society, so that their content is used in teaching graduate courses in social studies of science and technology.


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Author Biographies

Marisel Vizcay Castilla

Licenciada en Filosofía. Profesora Auxiliar.

Luis Alberto Álvarez Hernández

Especialista en Farmacología. Profesor Asistente.

Maydelyn Seijas Torres

Licenciada en Español y  Literatura. Profesor Instructor.

Juan Ismael Peñate Hernández

Licenciada en Filosofía. Profesor Titular. Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas.

Sara B. Morgado Ruiz

Licenciada en Información Científico-Técnica y Bibliotecología.


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Sánchez Buch R. Conferencia dictada en el Aula Magna de la Universidad de la Habana el 18 de noviembre de 2010 [Internet]. 2010 [citado 11 Abr 2011] [aprox. 10 pantallas]. Disponible en:

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Meza J, Rodríguez PP. José Varona E. Las reformas en la enseñanza superior. En: Meza J, Rodríguez PP. Enrique José Varona: política y sociedad. La Habana: Editorial Ciencias Sociales; 1999. p. 207-21.

Tussel LE. Varona, dimensiones de una personalidad. Ciego de Ávila: Editorial Ávila; 2004.

Varona EJ. Política y Sociedad. La Habana: Editorial Ciencias Sociales; 1999.

Tussel LE. Varona dimensiones de una personalidad. Ciego de Ávila: Editorial Ávila, 2004.

Hart A. Palabras pronunciadas con motivo del 70 cumpleaños del Dr. Raúl Roa García. Universidad de la Habana, 26 de Abril de 1977. La Habana: Periódico Granma; 28 de Abril de 1977.



How to Cite

Vizcay Castilla M, Álvarez Hernández LA, Seijas Torres M, Peñate Hernández JI, Morgado Ruiz SB. The Cuban tradition of thought consciousness science through the work of Enrique José Varona. Mediciego [Internet]. 2013 Dec. 19 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];19(1). Available from:



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