Preventive and rehabilitative program cancer of larynx carcinoma in professional’s voice


  • Yurkina Morales Femenías
  • Yurisley Cobo Vargas
  • Reynel Torres Pérez
  • Zoraida Marrero Robaina
  • Gilda Brown Patis
  • José Fernández del Risco


One of the major diseases that cause permanent employment subsidy in the professional voice is larynx carcinoma, which has a high incidence and mortality rate in the general and professional population. Treatment for this disease is very invasive and sometimes radical, ending the patient with psychological affectations, among others. The phonoaudiologist is responsible for developing prevention programs and rehabilitation treatment for professionals who can develop this disease. In order to implement a program with the inclusion of the main considerations to take into account in the phonoaudiologist treatment in the professional voice for prevention of laryngeal carcinoma stage I and II and rehabilitation treatment after the patient have undergone surgery, with the completion of a total or partial laryngectomy. During the investigation was developed and implemented the preventive and rehabilitation program in 17 professional voice who had laryngeal
carcinoma, through theoretical and practical workshops and lectures. It was achieved in this research professionals the increasing awareness and consciousness raising about the optimal use of voice through the implementation of a preventive and rehabilitative program.


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Author Biographies

Yurkina Morales Femenías

Especialista en 1er Grado de Logopedia y Foniatría. Profesora Asistente.

Yurisley Cobo Vargas

Licenciado en Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información. Profesor Instructor.

Reynel Torres Pérez

Licenciado en Citohistopatología. Profesor Instructor.

Zoraida Marrero Robaina

Profesora de Español y Literatura. Máster en Ciencias de la Educación Superior. Profesor Auxiliar

Gilda Brown Patis

Licenciado en Citohistopatología. Profesor Instructor.

José Fernández del Risco

Licenciado en Higiene y Epidemiología. Profesor Instructor.


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How to Cite

Morales Femenías Y, Cobo Vargas Y, Torres Pérez R, Marrero Robaina Z, Brown Patis G, Fernández del Risco J. Preventive and rehabilitative program cancer of larynx carcinoma in professional’s voice. Mediciego [Internet]. 2014 Dec. 19 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];20(1). Available from:



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