Epidemiologic behavior of HIV/AIDS. Morón municipality


  • Norman Gutiérrez Villa
  • Odalys R Betancourt Alvarez
  • Yamilka E Leiva Cubeñas
  • Martha Abreu Gómez
  • Zilka Maria Peralta Sardiñas




A longiyudinal retrospective study was conducted in order to assess the epidemiologic behavior of HIV/AIDS in the municipality of Morón city in the time period from 1986 until the first three months of 2003. A group of 14 individuals living with HIV/AIDS, this consitutes the whole of the prevalence in the above-mentioned period. Most cases were formed in 2001 (5seropositives), with a rate of 80.8 per 106 inhabitants. The 85.7% are men and of them are within the age group 25-34 years. 42.8% of males show a sexual orientation of having sex with other men. The 50% of the individuals living with throungh the contact check-up. 92.9% acquired the infection due to unprotected sex. Over 60% of the individuals ilving with HIV are in the incubation period. The "Patria" Popular Couns shows 57.1% of individuals living with HIV/AIDS have accomplished secondary education. Data obyained in charts of absolute and percentages.


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Author Biographies

Norman Gutiérrez Villa

Especialista de Primer Grado en Higiene y Epidemiología

Odalys R Betancourt Alvarez

Especialista de Primer Grado en medicina General Integral y en Psiquiatría, Profesora instructora

Yamilka E Leiva Cubeñas

Especialista de Primer Grado en medicina General Integral

Martha Abreu Gómez

Técnico Medio de enfermería, Diplomado de enfermera encuestadora


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Villa N, Betancourt Alvarez OR, Leiva Cubeñas YE, Abreu Gómez M, Peralta Sardiñas ZM. Epidemiologic behavior of HIV/AIDS. Morón municipality. Mediciego [Internet]. 2004 Dec. 4 [cited 2024 Nov. 23];10(2). Available from: https://revmediciego.sld.cu/index.php/mediciego/article/view/2684



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