Efficacy of the Diagnostic Discussions in the Itegrated Practical English Language Lessons


  • Adalberto J. López González
  • Carlos L. Leonart Cruz
  • Marcia Suárez García


diagnostic discussions, communicative stress, participation-eliciting technique


This work shows the efficacy of the use of diagnostc discussion as a participation-eliciting activity in the practical lessons.

Purposefully, questionnaires, English sistematic observations as well as interviews were used. The great level of efficacy these activities have in the grammar exercises section and revision of the communicative functions as well as the recycling and introduction of medical terms was evident in the systematic observations made directly in the classroom. The questionnaire applied to the pupils revealed a high level of acceptability among other aspects of interest. In the same way, quite favorable opinions related with the fulfillment of this acivity, have been gathered from the interviews.

In comparison with other groups in which this activity was not performed is another favorable element to be taken into consideration.


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Author Biographies

Adalberto J. López González

Lic. en Idioma Inglés. Profesor Asistente

Carlos L. Leonart Cruz

Lic. en Idioma Inglés. Profesor Asistente


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How to Cite

López González AJ, Leonart Cruz CL, Suárez García M. Efficacy of the Diagnostic Discussions in the Itegrated Practical English Language Lessons. Mediciego [Internet]. 2001 Jul. 20 [cited 2024 Dec. 18];7(1). Available from: https://revmediciego.sld.cu/index.php/mediciego/article/view/2626



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