Model of the dynamics of the process of health promotion against child abuse


  • Grisel María Alonso Gutiérrez
  • Cristóbal Lázaro Martínez Gómez
  • Hipólito Peralta Benítez
  • Adelaida María Ballbé Valdés
  • Reinaldo Pablo García Pérez
  • Letissia Giance Paz


Introduction: Child abuse as an expression of intrafamily violence requires for its approaching of the promotion of health and its relationship with social determinants.

Objective: to assess the scientific-methodological relevance of the model of the dynamics of the health promotion process against child abuse in the family.

Method:  the methods were applied: analytical-synthetic, historical-logical and holistic-dialectical. The consultation of 19 experts was used to assess the scientific-methodological relevance of the theoretical model built. Cronbach's α coefficient allowed to quantify the reliability of the internal consistency of the instrument and Kendall's, the degree of agreement of the experts.

Results: a system of dialectical relations was revealed that went from the configurations to the systematizing axis of the dynamics. The dimensions: cultural and enabling contextualized, emerged from the identified configurations. Which conditioned its links and made it possible to reveal the essential regularity. The systematization of the assertiveness of the relations with the child in the family constituted the systematizing axis of the dynamics. The internal consistency was adequate (α = 0.971) and the agreement of the experts, highly significant (Kendall W = 0.714,  c2 = 102.794, p = 0.000).

Conclusions: the scientific-methodological relevance of the model constructed from an integrating conception of the determinants of health was confirmed taking into account the family-community-society interaction, which allowed to integrate the cultural dimension, expression of the universal of the culture on the protection of rights and the particular of the practice of child abuse


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How to Cite

Alonso Gutiérrez GM, Martínez Gómez CL, Peralta Benítez H, Ballbé Valdés AM, García Pérez RP, Giance Paz L. Model of the dynamics of the process of health promotion against child abuse. Mediciego [Internet]. 2018 Aug. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];24(2):62-77. Available from:



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