Relationship between the knowledge of the breast self-examination and the prevention of breast cancer


  • Maydel Gálvez Espinosa


The present work corresponds to a bibliographical revision on the relationship that exists between the knowledge of the Breast Self-Examination and the prevention of breast cancer, with the purpose of demonstrating the efficacy of the realization of the self-examination to detect early mammary diseases, as well as the techniques to do it. Theoretical methods were used, with a historical and logical approach in the documentary analysis and synthesis related to different bibliographical revisions made to national and international literatures, where it was concluded that Breast Self-Examination constitutes a method of effective inquiry, innocuous, which is at reach of every women to diagnose breast cancer; breast self-examination is a method which aim is to detect the greatest number of cases in initial stage, which allows less invasive treatments, increases the survival rate and improves the quality of life of the affected woman. Considering the relevance of these neoplasms in our society and its high incidence, it is considered that it´s important to make the current prevention strategies known, as well as to do early diagnosis and to implement actions of health promotion, aimed to teach and to make widely known the procedures for this procedure


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Author Biography

Maydel Gálvez Espinosa

Especialista de 1er Grado en Medicina General Integral. Máster en Atención Integral a la Mujer. Profesor Instructor.


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How to Cite

Gálvez Espinosa M. Relationship between the knowledge of the breast self-examination and the prevention of breast cancer. Mediciego [Internet]. 2013 Dec. 19 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];19(2). Available from:



Review article