Educational intervention to raise the level of knowledge of aged persons with diabetes mellitus about the self-care
The education to persons who suffer from diabetes in order to be informed and prepared, to assume with responsibility the daily control of its disease and self-care of the aspects related to its lifestyles and therapeutic fulfillment, are the key elements to face successfully this disease. It was carried out a study of before-after pre-experimental educational intervention in aged persons with diabetes mellitus who assist to the diabetic consultation of Moron North polyclinic. The universe included 100 patients and a sample of 96, predominating persons from 65-69 years, female, among associated chronic diseases the most predominant was the arterial hypertension, and 60 % were overweight. The participants in the investigation learned that self-care is essential to achieve a satisfactory longevity which includes knowing the food that provoke metabolism disorders, the essential conditions to do physical activity, how to prevent the diabetic foot, the factors which favor the eye injuries and the risk factors to develop a diabetic nephropathyDownloads
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