Scientific-technological and bioethical dilemmain the radiation protection



Introduction: exposure to ionizing radiation involves risks and dangers to people's health and to the environment. Therefore, its indiscriminate use must be avoided and radiological protection deficiencies eliminated, aspects that are not exempt from bioethical controversies.

Objective: to describe the main bioethical and scientific-technological dilemmas concerning radiation protection.

Method: the most up-to-date national and international bibliography, available in Internet databases and in printed format, was reviewed. The works that most deeply addressed the bioethical and scientific-technological dilemmas of radiological protection were selected. From them the present article was elaborated.

Development: bioethics daily influences the decisions to be made in medical practice. Due to the particular nature of the doctor-patient relationship, in the clinical practice radiologists may experience bioethical conflicts related to technological development, the deficient doctor-patient relationship and the rights and duties of the latter. It must be won in a radiological safety culture with actions aimed at the protection of human being and the environment.

Conclusions: the main bioethical and scientific-technological dilemmas of radiological protection are related to the indiscriminate use of ionizing radiation, non-compliance with the rules and principles of radiological and bioethical protection, lack of informed consent for radiological studies, as well as the breach of the basic norms of radiological safety contained in control actions to guarantee the protection measures for human being and the environment


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Author Biographies

Rolando Dornes Ramón

Máster en Enfermedades Infecciosas. Especialista de II Grado en Imagenología

Yordany Vázquez Mora

Especialista de primer grado en Imagenologia

Master en atencion integral a la  mujer

Niurka Abreu Figueredo, Hospital Antonio Luaces Iraola

Especialista de primer grado en  MGI y Nefrologia

Master en Atencion Integral a la Mujer



How to Cite

Dornes Ramón R, Vázquez Mora Y, Abreu Figueredo N. Scientific-technological and bioethical dilemmain the radiation protection. Mediciego [Internet]. 2020 Feb. 17 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];25(4):490-50. Available from:



Review article