Diagnostic efficacy of a scale for the prognosis of death by pneumonia in geriatric patients hospitalized in the service of internal medicine in Ciego de Ávila


  • Leandro Castellanos Vivancos
  • Raul Terry Manuel
  • Luis Paéz Ojeda
  • Jorge J. Pérez Assef
  • Yasmine Giovanna Abogadro Díaz


Introduction: The acquired pneumonia in the community represents the most frequent cause of death of infectious etiology in the XXIst century.

Objective: To establish the diagnostic efficacy of a scale for the death prognosis for pneumonia in geriatric patients.

Method: A study of diagnostic efficiency was carried out to evaluate the predictive value of the prognostic scale of severity for pneumonia. The sample was composed of 64 patients older than 60 years.

Results: A major frequency was verified in masculine patients that in feminine, 33,3 % with included ages from 60 to 69 years and from 80 to 89 (38,7 %) years respectively. Less mortality rates among patients younger than 75 years than in those older than 75 years with a statistical significance (p ≤ 0.05) were observed. For the risk definition in the class moderated or superior, the sensibility was 100 % and VPN was 100 %, with a validity index of 33 %. In the high risk class the sensibility and the VPN behaved equaly with a validity index of 47 %, in the very high risk class 75 % it was obtained a sensibility of 80 % VPN of 92 % and a correct adapted proportion of wise moves (index of validity).

Conclusions: It concludes that a punctuation of the risk scale with a cutpoint greater than 71 could be reasonable to guide a hospitable treatment in patients older than 65 years


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Author Biographies

Leandro Castellanos Vivancos

Especialista de 1er Grado en medicina Interna. Profesor Instructor

Raul Terry Manuel

Especialista de 1er Grado en medicina Interna. Profesor Instructor

Luis Paéz Ojeda

Especialista de 1er Grado en medicina Interna. Profesor Instructor

Jorge J. Pérez Assef

Especialista de  2do Grado en Medicina Interna. Profesor  Asistente

Yasmine Giovanna Abogadro Díaz

Residente 2do Año Medicina General Integral



How to Cite

Castellanos Vivancos L, Terry Manuel R, Paéz Ojeda L, Pérez Assef JJ, Abogadro Díaz YG. Diagnostic efficacy of a scale for the prognosis of death by pneumonia in geriatric patients hospitalized in the service of internal medicine in Ciego de Ávila. Mediciego [Internet]. 2015 Jan. 19 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];21(1). Available from: https://revmediciego.sld.cu/index.php/mediciego/article/view/94



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