System of didactic procedures for the teaching-learning of electrocardiography in the Medicine career




electrocardiography, medical training, teaching materials, undergraduate medical education


Introduction: the electrocardiogram is a complementary test of great clinical utility, but its interpretation is difficult for the medical student.

Objective: to evaluate the scientific-methodological relevance of the system of didactic procedures for the teaching-learning process of electrocardiography in the third year of the Medicine degree, based on its proposal as a practical construct.

Methods: a pedagogical research was carried out at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Ciego de Ávila in the 2020-2022 triennium. The system of didactic procedures was elaborated from the relationships promoted from a previously constructed didactic conception. The hermeneutic-dialectical approach and the historical-logical, analytical-synthetic, abstraction-concretion, inductive-deductive and systemic-structural-functional methods were applied. The criteria of 16 experts using the Delphi consensus method with two rounds was used to assess its scientific-methodological relevance. Ethical principles were met.

Results: the two procedures, understanding and explanation of the cardiac cycle and appropriation of basic knowledge for the interpretation of electrocardiograms, are integrated into a system with components, structure, functions and hierarchy. Strengths and weaknesses, general objective, methodological guidelines, specific objectives and actions for each procedure and a control and evaluation system were determined. According to the methodological sequence of the Delphi method, a consensus was obtained with all the aspects evaluated as very adequate and statistically significant results.

Conclusions: the scientific-methodological relevance of a system of flexible didactic procedures, with interdisciplinary and investigative actions, based on its proposal as a practical investigative result, was verified by expert criteria.


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Author Biographies

Aymé Alberna Cardoso, Hospital General Provincial Docente "Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola". Ciego de Ávila.

Máster en Atención Integral a la Mujer. Especialista de Primer y Segundo Grados en Cardiología y de Primer Grado en Medicina General Integral. Profesor Auxiliar. Investigador Agregado. Hospital General Provincial Docente "Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola". Ciego de Ávila.

Raquel Diéguez Batista, Universidad “Máximo Gómez Báez”. Ciego de Ávila.

Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Máster en Educación Superior. Licenciado en Matemática. Profesor Titular. Universidad “Máximo Gómez Báez”. Ciego de Ávila.

Mayelín Baró Rojas, Hospital General Provincial Docente "Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola". Ciego de Ávila.

Máster en Urgencias Médicas. Especialista de Primer Grado en Cardiología y en Medicina General Integral. Profesor Auxiliar. Hospital General Provincial Docente "Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola". Ciego de Ávila.

Roberto Melo Sánchez, Hospital General Provincial Docente "Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola". Ciego de Ávila.

Máster en Urgencias Médicas. Especialista de Primer y Segundo Grados en Cardiología. Profesor Auxiliar. Hospital General Provincial Docente "Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola". Ciego de Ávila.

Wilfredo García Sotolongo, Hospital General Provincial Docente "Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola". Ciego de Ávila.

Máster en Urgencias Médicas. Licenciado en Enfermería. Profesor Asistente. Hospital General Provincial Docente "Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola". Ciego de Ávila.


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How to Cite

Alberna Cardoso A, Diéguez Batista R, Baró Rojas M, Melo Sánchez R, García Sotolongo W. System of didactic procedures for the teaching-learning of electrocardiography in the Medicine career. Mediciego [Internet]. 2023 May 15 [cited 2024 Jul. 27];29(1):e3631. Available from:



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