Temporomandibular dysfunction in Angolan patients prior to orotracheal intubation in abdominal surgery
abdomen, arthralgia, intratracheal intubation, mandibular nerve injuriesAbstract
Introduction: performing orotracheal intubation is collected as a risk factor for the development or exacerbation of temporomandibular disorders, possible injuries are attributed to excessive force during the application of the laryngoscope or the attempt to complete the intubation manually.
Objective: to identify the degree of temporomandibular joint dysfunction in Angolan patients before orotracheal intubation for abdominal surgery at the Meditex Clinic, in Luanda, Angola, from August to December 2021.
Methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in 70 Angolan patients treated at the Meditex Clinic, in Luanda, Angola, from August to December 2021. Movement index, movement pain, muscle pain, altered joint function and pain in the temporomandibular joint, prior to surgical intervention.
Results: the patients presented affectation in the temporomandibular joint, according to the Maglione index, mainly in the categories of mandibular movement (85.71 %), muscular pain (71.42 %) and pain in movement (68.57 %); the degree of temporomandibular dysfunction turned out to be mild (54.30 %) and moderate (21.42 %).
Conclusions: the evaluation of the temporomandibular joint of the patients before undergoing surgery, evidenced the high frequency of mandibular movement disorders, muscle pain and movement pain, with a mild degree of temporomandibular dysfunction.
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