Characterization of patients with diabetic foot ulcer treated with Heberprot-P®
Introduction: the diabetic foot is a global health problem; Between 10 and 15% of diabetic patients develop foot ulcers at some point in their lives.
Objective: to characterize patients with diabetic foot ulcer treated with Heberprot-P® at the "Emilio Daudinot Bueno" Polyclinic, in the municipality and province of Guantánamo, in the five-year period 2016-2020.
Methods: an observational descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out. The universe was made up of 395 patients over 18 years of age belonging to the health area, treated in the comprehensive diabetic foot care consultation and who gave their willingness to participate in the study through informed consent. The study variables were: age, sex, risk factors, germ found in cultures, Wagner's ulcer classification and evolution, among others. Ethical principles were met.
Results: the age group of 65-74 years, the female sex, arterial hypertension as a risk factor, staphylococci as germs in positive cultures and degree two of lesion, were the predominant results in the investigation, as well as the satisfactory evolution, once Heberprot-P® was applied, in almost all the patients studied.
Conclusions: the data provided in this work provide information on the characteristics and risk factors of patients with diabetic foot in this health area, as well as the description of the results of Heberprot-P® according to the degree of injury, evidence that will help improve care for these patients
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