Adhesive restorations for the posterior sector with a biomimetic approach
biomimetics, conservative treatment, dental bonding, dental cementumAbstract
Introduction: adhesive restorations with additive approaches cover a higher percentage of integration in the conservative restorative philosophy and exclude traditional invasive methods on dental support; For this, biomimetics is applied in restorative dentistry with meticulousness in the treatments and biomimesis of materials with better physical, chemical, mechanical and optical characteristics, in order to reduce future collateral complications, increase longevity and guarantee a favorable prognosis.
Objective: to identify existing theoretical approaches in contemporary literature on the clinical approach to posterior adhesive restorations, with a biomimetic and innovative approach.
Methods: contemporary literature was analyzed in the scientific digital databases NCBI-PubMed, Cochrane Library, Scielo, Scopus. The search returned 500 titles related to the topic, 100 similar articles were taken with the topic variables, and 45 that met the inclusive criteria of the study were selected.
Development: with the advancement of science, different biocompatible techniques and materials have been implemented with the structures that make up the tooth, this is possible thanks to a critical reasoning of scientific applicability on empirical knowledge; There are several alternatives that provide biomimicry of teeth in different restorative procedures.
Conclusion: the possibility of using conservative philosophies in restorative procedures is becoming stronger, minimizing the subtraction of the dental structure and opting for the addition of biocompatible material.
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