Probable behavior of the martality by nom-communicable event ta health.


  • Pedro Posada Fernández
  • Rafael García Cabrera
  • Onésimo Jiménez Herrera
  • Arquímedes Cossío Barrios




An analysis was done on the behavior of the chronological series of the mortality of some selected   non-communicable diseases. The predictor models were obtained by the technique of the fractional exponent as well as the linear tendency up to the year 2003.

The mortality due to heart deseases, myocardial infarction and cerebrovascular diseases showed the prognosis up to the year 2003 higher than that of the year 2000.

Such events showed a decreasing tendency of  mortality as follows: Mortality due to malignant tumors showed a fixed trend, whereas the tendency  due to  cerebrovascular diseases increased . The prognosis    of mortality were useful to evaluate the impact of the actions to be taken and the priority for the allocation of resourses in health.


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Author Biographies

Pedro Posada Fernández

Médico Especialista de Segundo Grado en Higiene y Epidemiología. MsC en Salud Pública. Profesor Asistente

Rafael García Cabrera

Médico Especialista de Primer Grado en Epidemiología. Profesor Instructor. Epidemiólogo UATS Provincial.

Onésimo Jiménez Herrera

Lic. Matemáticas. Matemático UATS Provincial.

Arquímedes Cossío Barrios

Lic. en Enfermería. MsC en Epidemiología.

How to Cite

Posada Fernández P, García Cabrera R, Jiménez Herrera O, Cossío Barrios A. Probable behavior of the martality by nom-communicable event ta health. Mediciego [Internet]. 2001 Dec. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];7(2). Available from:



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