Pain treatment by means of Su Jok System for knee complaints in major adults
An after-before intervention study was carried out, to determine the behavior of the pain for knee complaints in adults by means of Su Jok System in the Integral Service of Rehabilitation of the North area of polyclinic in Moron from January, 2009 to December, 2012. The universe consisted of 237 patients, and in a random form it could select the treatment and individually submitted to inclusion criteria, exclusion, exit and evaluation up to a sample of 148. Each patient was informed of their benefits and willingness of taking part. Survey was used for the compilation of the information, which included all the quantitative and qualitative variables to give fulfillment to the targets, which were: age; sex; etiology; time of pain evolution; application of the Analogical Visual Scale and its final evolution. The predominant results were: the feminine sex; age group between 65-69 years; etiology for gonarthrosis and angular deformity; time between 3 to 6 months; pain magnitude: before-severe, after-light and the majority evaluated as adequate in the final evolution. The application of Su Jok System was a useful method that helped to relieve the pain.Downloads
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