Challenges of spirometry in Cuba in the 21st century



Introduction: few spirometric prediction equations are used in Cuba, and there is a lack of a consensus method of interpretation for protocols as well as guidelines for the performance of laboratories for functional respiratory tests.

Objective: to expose in a structured way, as reference material, the necessary parameters for the interpretation of spirometry in Cuba, the ideal characteristics of the reference equations, the advantages and defects of the new equations and flow algorithms.

Method: a bibliographic review about the development and perspectives of spirometry in Cuba and in the world in recent years was carried out. For this, along with other methods, documentary analysis was used. Articles published in Latin America, the United States, Spain and Portugal during the last five years were selected and, due to their importance, some with more than five years, located in different Internet databases.

Development: the interpretation of spirometry is based on the comparison of the values detected in the patient with those that theoretically correspond to a healthy individual with the same anthropometric characteristics. The lack of uniformity between the prediction equations and the reference values causes significant variations in the interpretation of the results.

Conclusions: it is necessary to pay more attention, by Cuban specialists and researchers, to the topic of spirometric tests. This implies incorporating more prediction equations, agreeing on a method of interpretation of the protocols and developing guidelines for the performance of respiratory functional testing laboratories adapted to the Cuban context.


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How to Cite

Alfonso Pérez OA. Challenges of spirometry in Cuba in the 21st century. Mediciego [Internet]. 2019 May 13 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];25(3):238-41. Available from:


