Characteristics of the violent deaths that occurred in the southern territory of Ciego de Ávila in the five-year period 2013-2017


  • Valia Pérez Pérez Hospital Provincial Docente "Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola", Ciego de Avila
  • Norma Burgos Suárez
  • Dodany Machado Mendoza


Introduction: violent death is considered a global social phenomenon; its medical-legal causes can be homicidal, suicidal and accidental.

Objective: to characterize the violent deaths that occurred in southern Avilanian territory in the five-year period 2013-2017.

Methods: a descriptive observational cross-sectional study of the 533 violent deaths that occurred in the four municipalities of the southern territory of the Ciego de Ávila province was carried out. Theoretical methods were used: analytical-synthetic, historical-logical and hypothetical-deductive and, as empirical, the documentary review of the thanatology books.

Results: the male sex (79,45 %), the white color of the skin (77,30 %) and the age group of 45 to 64 years or more (40,20 %) predominated. At night time (28,90 %) and in the second semester (55,10 %), the greatest number of events occurred. The most frequent medical-legal cause was accidental (50,28 %) and the basic cause of death, trauma from a traffic accident (28,52 %). In men, hanging (24,02 %) predominated and in women, trauma from traffic accidents (5,63 %). Accidental death occurred mainly from trauma from a traffic accident (28,52 %), suicide by hanging (26,27 %), and homicide by stab wound (12,38 %).

Conclusions: violent death increased in 2017 in the southern territory of Ciego de Ávila province. The most frequent medical-legal cause was accidental, and its predominant basic cause of death was trauma from a traffic accident.


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Author Biography

Valia Pérez Pérez, Hospital Provincial Docente "Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola", Ciego de Avila

Médico Forense, Dpto. de Medicina Legal, Hosp. Prov. Ciego de Avila



How to Cite

Pérez Pérez V, Burgos Suárez N, Machado Mendoza D. Characteristics of the violent deaths that occurred in the southern territory of Ciego de Ávila in the five-year period 2013-2017. Mediciego [Internet]. 2019 Jun. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];26(1):e1374. Available from:



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