Characterization of extreme maternal morbidity in an intensive care unit
pregnancy complications, intensive care units, maternal mortality, morbilityAbstract
Introduction: admission to intensive care of a hospital is a marker of extreme maternal morbidity and an important instrument to reduce morbidity and mortality in complicated obstetric patients.
Objective: to describe some epidemiological variables associated with extreme maternal morbidity treated at the “Cptan Roberto Rodríguez Fernández” General Teaching Hospital, in Morón, from 2016 to 2019.
Methods: cross-sectional descriptive study in 126 women admitted to the intensive care unit, from January 2016 to December 2019. The variables were analyzed: mortality rate, risk factors, causes of admission, type of delivery, complications and stay in the intensive care unit. The data were obtained from the medical records and the unit's morbidity registry. The percentage was used as a summary measure of the information. Ethical principles were met.
Results: the most frequently observed risk factors were: vaginal sepsis (44.40 %), anemia (36.50 %), preeclampsia and eclampsia (30.20 %), and malnutrition (27.00 %). The main causes of admission were obstetric; the most frequent: preeclampsia and eclampsia (23.80 %), uterine atony (18.30 %) and puerperal sepsis (15.10 %). Caesarean section was the most common route of delivery (77.30 %). Of the latter, 54.40 % of the patients presented complications, and in 41.30 % the unit stay was 48 hours.
Conclusions: Extremely severe maternal morbidity occurs most frequently after childbirth and its main causes are preeclampsia and eclampsia, and blood loss.
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