History of the magazine

The remote antecedent of Mediciego was El Eco Científico (1917-1926), a monthly printed Avilanian publication of medicine, surgery and physical-chemical sciences. Its founding director was Dr. Gabriel M. Landa González. The circulation at the end of the second decade and beginning of the third of the last century places this magazine among one of the first regional biomedical publications in Cuba.

The Electronic Medical Journal of Ciego de Ávila, Mediciego, emerged in January 1995 with two issues a year and approximately 10 articles in each one. The founding director was Dr. Rolando Rodríguez Rodríguez and his secretary, Dr. Anisia Yolanda Pérez Jiménez. The writing committee was made up of the following professionals: Dr. Ileana Morales Suárez, Dr. Reimundo Llanes Pelegrín, Dr. Midalis Castilla Martínez, Lic. Sara Belkis Morgado Ruiz, Lic. Miguel Aridany Sánchez López and Ing. Rigoberto Borroto Pacheco. The advisors were: Dr. Felipe Aragón Rojas, Dr. Tomás Rodríguez Martínez, Dr. Sonia Pestano Reyes, Dr. Manuel Vidal Rodríguez, Dr. William Reyes Ramírez, Dr. Enrique Meizoso Morales†, Dr. C. Maria Julia Machado Cano, Dr. Nancy Hernández Montoya, Dr. Lina Martha Pérez Espinosa, Dr. René Quintero Morgado, Dr. C. Ricardo Gómez Carro, Dr. C. Reinaldo Pablo García Pérez, Dr. Raunel Hernández Rodríguez, Dr. Andrés Expósito Martínez, Lic. Maria Aurora López Flores, Lic. Damaris Pérez Ramírez, Dr. Doris Duarte Vilariño, Lic. Mercedes Iglesias Pantaleón, Dr. Evaristo R. Tapia Ruiz†, Lic. Magalys Padilla Álvarez, Lic. Marlene Vilar de los Santos Finalé, Dr. C. Carlos Hernández Cañete and Lic. María Caridad González Sánchez. Later, Ms. Xiomara López de Armas† was hired to translate the summaries into English.

On April 10, 1997, the magazine was registered with No.1821, Folio 007 Volume III in the National Registry of Serial Publications and on June 11, 2001 it was subscribed to the ISSN International Center with the number ISSN 1029-3035. On January 12, 2009, it was included with code 0843208 in the Certification System for Scientific-Technological Serial Publications of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of the Republic of Cuba.

As stated in volume 4 number 2 of 1998, the editorial team of Mediciego was restructured as follows: director Dr. Anisia Yolanda Pérez Jiménez, editor Lic. Sara Belkis Morgado Ruiz, members of the editorial committee: Dr. C. María Julia Machado Cano, Lic. Julián M. Lezcano Pérez and Lic. María Aurora Gómez Fernández; and the advisors: Dr. Rolando Rodríguez Rodríguez, Dr. Enrique Meizoso Morales†, Dr. Manuel Vidal Rodríguez, Dr. Carlos Hernández Cañete, Dr. Sonia Pestano Reyes, Dr. C. Ricardo Gómez Carro, Dr. Magalys Gómez Verano, Dr. William Reyes Ramírez, Lic. Clara Rodríguez Puerto. Lic. Irma Alfaro González, Dr. Orlando González Gómez†, Dr. Armando Santiso Cepero†, Dr. Tomás Rodríguez Martínez, Dr. José Bustelo Águila, Dr. Rigoberto Curbelo Pérez, Lic. María Aurora López Flores, Dra. Magalys Fernández Trevejo, Lic. María Caridad González Sánchez, Dr. Rogelio Sánchez Mayola, Lic. Magalys Padilla Álvarez, Dr. Freddy Cruz Hernández and Lic. Roxana Báez Morales.

In 2001, Mediciego adopted a quarterly publication with the release of two issues and two supplements each year. Since 2015, the quarterly periodicity has been maintained, but with four annual issues. This was determined by its affiliation, on February 4 of that year, to the open access system (OJS) that provides facilities for the submission of articles, as well as for editorial work.

On June 12, 2017, Dr. C. Reinaldo Pablo García Pérez was appointed as director of the Mediciego magazine by the rector of the University of Medical Sciences of Ciego de Ávila. Its Editorial Committee was also renewed and its editorial policy was modified. The editorial team was made up of the following: Dr. C. María Julia Machado Cano (academic editor), Lic. Adriana Bárbara García Ranero and M Sc. Letissia Giance Paz (section editors), Lic. María Aurora Gómez Fernández (layout designer), Lic. Ihaneya Torí Hernández (translator) and M. Sc. Janecey García Mauri (webmaster).

In volume 27 of 2021, it began to be published in continuous mode without numbers, with the volume as the only content, the articles are received permanently and published at the end of the editorial process.

On September 15, 2023, M. Sc. María de Jesús Pérez Herrera was appointed as director of the magazine Mediciego by the rector of the University of Medical Sciences of Ciego de Ávila. The editorial policy was updated and the Editorial Committee was renewed. The editorial team was made up of the following: Dr. C. María Julia Machado Cano (executive editor), Dr. C. Martha María Ávila Rodríguez and Lic. Adriana Bárbara García Ranero (internal members of the editorial committee), Lic. Iris Morgado Bonachea (reference editor), Lic. María Aurora Gómez Fernández (layout editor), Lic. Ihaneya Torí Hernández (translator) and M. Sc. Janecey García Mauri (webmaster).

In March 2024 it was migrated to version of Open Journal Systems.