Efficacy of transfusion of fresh frozen plasma and red blood cells in traumatic hemorrhagic shock
blood component transfusion, ; hemorrhagic shock, wounds and injuriesAbstract
Introduction: blood components are used to replace blood volume. However, some patients benefit more from the proportional use of fresh frozen plasma, red blood cells, platelets, cryoprecipitates, and prohemostatic drugs.
Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of transfusion therapy with fresh frozen plasma and red blood cells in a 1:1 ratio in patients with traumatic hemorrhagic hypovolemic shock.
Methods: a pre-experimental study without a control group was carried out at the “Martín Chang Puga” General Teaching Hospital in Nuevitas, Camagüey province, between January 2019 and December 2022. It worked with a population of 27 patients undergoing emergency operations for traumatic hemorrhagic hypovolemic shock. The variables were evaluated: age, sex, shock classification according to the Advanced Trauma Life Support, amount of crystalloids administered, and topographic location of the trauma. Before and after transfusion therapy, the outcome variables were measured: international normalized ratio, base deficit, and lactate.
Results: male patients predominated; the most representative age was found in the group of 40 to 49 years (33.30 %). Cases of moderate hemorrhage predominated (14, of 27). International normalized ratio, base deficit, and lactate decreased significantly after hemotherapy.
Conclusions: proportional administration (1:1) of fresh frozen plasma and red blood cells was effective in the resuscitation of patients with traumatic hemorrhagic hypovolemic shock; their analytical values were normalized. The usefulness of this therapy to improve the international normalized index, base deficit, and serum lactate was evident.
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