Electrocardiographic characteristics in users of gyms in Ciego de Ávila municipality
bradycardia, electrocardiography, heart block, sinus arrhythmiaAbstract
Introduction: sports activity produces beneficial morphofunctional adaptations in the cardiovascular system.
Objective: to characterize the possible electrocardiographic alterations in the users of two gyms in Ciego de Ávila.
Methods: a cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out in 38 supposedly healthy people between 18 and 65 years old, who performed physical exercises for two months or more, with frequencies of four or more times per week, between January 2016 and May 2017. Epidemiological and physiological variables and electrocardiographic changes at rest were analyzed. Ethical principles were met.
Results: the mean age was 34,3 years. Female patients (52,63 %), normal weight (57,89 %), and those without electrocardiographic changes (60,33 %) predominated. Early repolarization was the most identified variation (13,16 %). The average age was much lower in those with alterations (27,10 years). Heart rate was lower in those with alterations (69,70). Diastolic (76,30) and systolic (116,60) blood pressure were higher in those who practiced static exercises. Of those investigated with alterations, few had a family history of heart disease (18,42 %) and premature death (2,63 %). However, the same predominance was identified in personal history (50,00 %); and among those who had alterations, arterial hypertension (21,05 %).
Conclusions: evidence is provided that warns about the need to perform the electrocardiogram at rest in high-intensity physical exercisers, to identify alterations in time and determine the types of exercises and their frequency.
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