Alterations of the immune system in children under five years of age with protein-energy malnutrition
agammaglobulinemia, immune system diseases, nutritional status.protein-energy, malnutritionAbstract
Introduction: Malnutrition by default in children has a negative impact on the functioning of the immune system, particularly T lymphocytes, phagocytosis, chemotaxis, and the activity of the entire system.
Objective: to describe some clinical and laboratory variables in children under five years of age with protein-energy malnutrition.
Methods: a cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out from January 2018 to March 2019. It worked with 639 children under five years of age attended in the nutritional consultation of the General Provincial Teaching Hospital of Ciego de Ávila, who met the inclusion criteria in the research. Clinical and laboratory variables were analyzed, and ethical principles were met.
Results: secondary causes of protein-energy malnutrition predominated (55,71 %). Iron deficiency anemia (78,87 %) and intestinal parasitism (43,66 %) were the most frequent associated diseases. The majority did not have thymus alterations (38,34 %) and among those who presented it, moderate hypoplasia prevailed (31.77%). There were no leukocyte alterations in 67.29%; 20,19 % presented leukopenia and 12,52 % leukocytosis; 63,06 % had decreased figures of IgA, 45,07 % serum IgG and 31,29 % IgM. In the serum complement, 3,91 % of the patients presented decreased figures of C3, and 2,35 % C4.
Conclusions: the description of the variables allowed detecting immunological imbalances caused by states of protein-energy malnutrition in the children under five years of age studiedDownloads
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