Topographic alterations in patients with corneal astigmatism in consultation for refractory surgical intervention




astigmatism, corneal topography, keratoconus, ocular refraction


Introduction: specialists in corneal topography include several maps that describe the morphology and curvature of the cornea. The aberrometry technique provides very important data when planning therapeutic strategies.

Objective: to determine the topographic alterations in patients with corneal astigmatism, candidates for refractory surgical intervention at the "Enrique Cabrera Cossío" Ophthalmological Center.

Methods: an analytical cross-sectional study was carried out from a total of 62 patients who met the study criteria and of these, 96 possible candidate eyes for refractory surgery with excimer laser from June to November 2019. The ophthalmological study included: personal and ophthalmological history, examination of the anterior segment using the Carl Zeiss slit lamp, visual acuity without correction with the Snellen optotype chart, dynamic and static refraction, ocular dominance, endothelial microscopy, Schirmer's test, ophthalmoscopy, contrast sensitivity test, keratometry, tonometry, pachymetry and biometry. Ethical aspects were met.

Results: 96.88% with a pattern of corneal astigmatism; In relation to the topographic indices, the topographic irregularities in 12.50% and 11.50% of corneal eccentricity. Finding of two patients with suspected keratoconus and one with pellucid marginal degeneration.

Conclusion: the corneal astigmatism pattern was present in most of the patients, with evidence of alterations in the patterns and topographic indices that demonstrated the existence of keratome and pellucid marginal degeneration and corneal irregularities, that affect visual quality in corneas with other acceptable parameters to perform refractory surgical intervention


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Author Biographies

Carmen Castillo Vázquez, Hospital General Docente “Enrique Cabrera”. La Habana. Cuba.

Máster en Urgencias Médicas. Especialista de Primer y Segundo Grados en Oftalmología. Especialista de Primer Grado en Medicina General Integral. Profesor Auxiliar.

Niurka López Dorta, Hospital General Docente “Enrique Cabrera”. La Habana. Cuba.

Especialista de Primer Grado en Oftalmología y en Medicina General Integral, Profesor Auxiliar.

Lázara Mairely Molinet Vega, Hospital General Docente “Enrique Cabrera”. La Habana. Cuba.

Especialista de Primer Grado en Oftalmología. Profesor asistente.


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How to Cite

Castillo Vázquez C, López Dorta N, Molinet Vega LM. Topographic alterations in patients with corneal astigmatism in consultation for refractory surgical intervention. Mediciego [Internet]. 2022 Oct. 13 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];28(1):e2144. Available from:



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