Hypertension in non-diagnostic patients. Risk factors


  • María de los Ángeles Rodríguez Rubio
  • Marlín Páez Domínguez


A study was carried out to verify the existence of non-diagnosed hypertense patients, as well as the presence of risk factors associated to Hypertension in the population of two medical doctor's offices of California Policlinic from San Miguel del Padrón municipality. 75 patients, non-hypertensive were random selected from the study population, to who a medical survey was applied to them in an individual form and it was checked the blood pressure three times to them in adapted conditions, that
allowed to classify them according to the magnitude of the obtained tensional numbers. The 21,4% of patients were classified like pre-hypertense and the 18,6% were hypertense that had not been diagnosed, predominating hypertense degree I. It was found a high percent of hypertense relatives and risk factors of AHT were identified such as obesity, sedentary, smoking and the exaggerated consumption of salt


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Author Biographies

María de los Ángeles Rodríguez Rubio

Especialista de 1er Grado en Medicina Interna. Máster en Urgencias Médicas. Profesor Instructor.

Marlín Páez Domínguez

Especialista de 1er Grado en Medicina General Integral. Profesor Instructor.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Rubio M de los Ángeles, Páez Domínguez M. Hypertension in non-diagnostic patients. Risk factors. Mediciego [Internet]. 2013 Dec. 19 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];19(1). Available from: https://revmediciego.sld.cu/index.php/mediciego/article/view/201



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