Obesity and microalbuminuria. Revision article
The obesity is the the 21st century epidemic according to the World Health Organization. It is the most common form of malnutrition and It has gone reaching ascending proportions as much in developed countries as developing countries, the prevalence has tripled in the last three decades. For 2020 this prevalence will reach 35% in Europe and 45% in America, and even in Asia could reach 20%. Actuality, there is a big concern about the consequences. It affirms that more than the third part of the queries of consultation in Pediatric Endocrinology corresponds to this cause. The obesity deleterious effects are related to the risk of suffering diseases like diabetes, Systemic arterial hypertension and Cardiovascular Diseases, between others. The obesity and the physical activity are two determinants of the metabolic syndrome. The first sign of kidney injury is the microalbuminuria, which is associated with obesity, arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, glucose intolerance or diabetes mellitus. It was considered positive microalbuminuria to the values comprised between 0,02 and 0,2 g/L; Microalbuminuria is an indicator of cardiovascular risk and endothelium dysfunction by which has to be indicated for early detection of the obesity complications, using it as a strategy to diminish Chronic non-communicable diseasesDownloads
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