Review article

It is a bibliographic study in which published information on a subject is collected, analyzed, synthesized, interpreted and discussed; includes a critical review of the state of knowledge reported in the literature. It must provide an answer to a problem that has a conceptual or practical connotation and when this is not definitive, at least guidelines for future research must be indicated.

  • Authors: up to three.
  • Maximum length: 6,000 words, not including bibliographical references.
  • Bibliographic references: 25 to 50, exceptionally more.
  • Tables, figures or graphs: up to five.

Title: As established in the common requirements for all types of articles.

Abstract: structured in Introduction, Objective, Methods, Development and Conclusions, with a maximum limit of 250 words in Spanish and English. The keywords must comply with the provisions for original articles.

Introduction: present the brief, clear and appropriate background with its bibliographical foundation. It must be a topic of importance and relevance. The scientific problem that originates the review must be substantiated and the objective(s) of the work must be clearly described.

Methods: it must contain the theoretical methods used, the search criteria and justification for the selection of the sources, the search engines used, the period taken for the review, and the languages of consultation. Make reference to the number of articles consulted and of them, how many were selected, as well as the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Aspects to take into account: scientific credibility of the source of origin of the articles, the reproducibility of the method, the objectivity of the evaluations, the diversity of the results and their correct combination. Critiques should be in sufficient detail to allow readers to assess the methodological quality of the studies.

Development: exposition with the subtitles that the author deems appropriate in accordance with the objectives of the work. Figures and tables, in a maximum of five, that highlight the relevant aspects without incurring repetitions of information. Interpretation of the results indicated in the consulted literature. Contrast the differences and coincidences with the studies analyzed. Critique the results of the study in light of the published papers and declare the professional and research experiences of the authors on the subject. Include new aspects to consider (if necessary). Declare the limitations of the study and its possible influence on the results, in the paragraph prior to the conclusions.

Conclusions: they respond to the objectives of the study. They present clear, concrete and pertinent conclusions, as well as the contributions of the review to scientific knowledge.

Bibliographic references: they will meet the requirements for all types of articles and their updating requires 70% of the sources published in the last five years.